Source code for clize.parser

# clize -- A command-line argument parser for Python
# Copyright (C) 2011-2016 by Yann Kaiser and contributors. See AUTHORS and
# COPYING for details.

interpret function signatures and read commandline arguments

import itertools
from functools import partial, wraps

import six
from sigtools import modifiers

from clize import errors, util

class ParameterFlag(object):
    def __init__(self, name, prefix='clize.Parameter'): = name
        self.prefix = prefix

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{0.prefix}.{}'.format(self)

[docs]class Parameter(object): """Represents a CLI parameter. :param str display_name: The 'default' representation of the parameter. :param bool undocumented: If true, hides the parameter from the command help. :param last_option: If `True`, the parameter will set the `.posarg_only` flag on the bound arguments. Also available as `clize.Parameter`. """ L = LAST_OPTION = ParameterFlag('LAST_OPTION') """Annotate a parameter with this and all following arguments will be processed as positional.""" I = IGNORE = ParameterFlag('IGNORE') """Annotate a parameter with this and it will be dropped from the resulting CLI signature.""" U = UNDOCUMENTED = ParameterFlag('UNDOCUMENTED') """Parameters annotated with this will be omitted from the documentation (``--help``).""" R = REQUIRED = ParameterFlag('REQUIRED') """Annotate a parameter with this to force it to be required. Mostly only useful for ``*args`` parameters. In other cases, simply don't provide a default value.""" required = False """Is this parameter required?""" is_alternate_action = False """Should this parameter appear as an alternate action or as a regular parameter?""" extras = () """Iterable of extra parameters this parameter incurs""" def __init__(self, display_name, undocumented=False, last_option=None): self.display_name = display_name """The name used in printing this parameter.""" self.undocumented = undocumented """If true, this parameter is hidden from the documentation.""" self.last_option = last_option """If true, arguments after this parameter is triggered will all be processed as positional."""
[docs] def read_argument(self, ba, i): """Reads one or more arguments from ``ba.in_args`` from position ``i``. :param clize.parser.CliBoundArguments ba: The bound arguments object this call is expected to mutate. :param int i: The current position in ``ba.args``. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def apply_generic_flags(self, ba): """Called after `read_argument` in order to set attributes on ``ba`` independently of the arguments. :param clize.parser.CliBoundArguments ba: The bound arguments object this call is expected to mutate. The base implementation of this method applies the `last_option` setting if applicable and discards itself from `CliBoundArguments.unsatisfied` """ if self.last_option: ba.posarg_only = True ba.unsatisfied.discard(self)
[docs] def unsatisfied(self, ba): """Called after processing arguments if this parameter required and not discarded from `.CliBoundArguments.unsatisfied`.""" return True
[docs] def post_parse(self, ba): """Called after all arguments are processed successfully."""
[docs] def get_all_names(self): """Return a string with all of this parameter's names.""" return self.get_full_name()
[docs] def get_full_name(self): """Return a string that designates this parameter.""" return self.display_name
def __str__(self): """Return a string to represent this parameter in cli usage.""" if self.required: return self.get_full_name() else: return '[{0}]'.format(self.get_full_name())
[docs] def show_help(self, desc, after, f, cols): """Called by `` to produce the parameter's description in the help output.""" return ( self.get_all_names(), ( getattr(self, 'description', None) or desc ) + self.show_help_parens() )
[docs] def show_help_parens(self): """Return a string to complement a parameter's description in the ``--help`` output.""" s = ', '.join(self.help_parens()) if s: return ' ({0})'.format(s) return ''
[docs] def help_parens(self): """Return an iterable of strings to complement a parameter's description in the ``--help`` output. Used by `.show_help_parens`""" return ()
[docs] def prepare_help(self, helper): """Called by `` to allow parameters to complement the help. :param: helper: The object charged with displaying the help. """
[docs]class ParameterWithSourceEquivalent(Parameter): """Parameter that relates to a function parameter in the source. :param str argument_name: The name of the parameter. """ def __init__(self, argument_name, **kwargs): super(ParameterWithSourceEquivalent, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.argument_name = argument_name
[docs]class HelperParameter(Parameter): """Parameter that doesn't appear in CLI signatures but is used for instance as the ``.sticky`` attribute of the bound arguments.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(HelperParameter, self).__init__( display_name='<internal>', **kwargs)
[docs]def value_converter(func=None, name=None): """Callables decorated with this can be used as a value converter. See :ref:`value converter`. """ def decorate(func): info = { 'name': util.name_type2cli(func) if name is None else name, } try: func._clize__value_converter = info return func except (TypeError, AttributeError): @wraps(func) def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return func(*args, **kwargs) _wrapper._clize__value_converter = info return _wrapper if func is not None: return decorate(func) return decorate
@value_converter(name='STR') def identity(x=None): return x @value_converter(name='BOOL') def is_true(arg): return arg.lower() not in ('', '0', 'n', 'no', 'f', 'false') _implicit_converters = { int: int, float: float, bool: is_true, six.text_type: identity, six.binary_type: identity, } def get_value_converter(annotation): try: return _implicit_converters[annotation] except KeyError: pass if not getattr(annotation, '_clize__value_converter', False): raise ValueError('{0!r} is not a value converter'.format(annotation)) return annotation
[docs]class ParameterWithValue(Parameter): """A parameter that takes a value from the arguments, with possible default and/or conversion. :param callable conv: A callable to convert the value or raise `ValueError`. Defaults to `.identity`. :param default: A default value for the parameter or `.util.UNSET`. """ def __init__(self, conv=identity, default=util.UNSET, **kwargs): super(ParameterWithValue, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.conv = conv """The function used for coercing the value into the desired format or type.""" self.default = default """The default value used for the parameter, or `.util.UNSET` if there is no default value. Usually only used for displaying the help.""" @property def required(self): """Tells if the parameter has no default value.""" return self.default is util.UNSET
[docs] def coerce_value(self, arg, ba): """Coerces ``arg`` using the `.conv` function. Raises `.errors.BadArgumentFormat` if the coercion function raises `ValueError`. """ try: ret = self.conv(arg) except errors.CliValueError as e: exc = errors.BadArgumentFormat(e) exc.__cause__ = e raise exc except ValueError as e: exc = errors.BadArgumentFormat(repr(arg)) exc.__cause__ = e raise exc else: return ret
[docs] def get_value(self, ba, i): """Retrieves the "value" part of the argument in ``ba`` at position ``i``.""" return ba.in_args[i]
[docs] def help_parens(self): """Shows the default value in the parameter description.""" if self.default is not util.UNSET and self.default is not None: yield 'default: ' + str(self.default)
[docs]class NamedParameter(Parameter): """Equivalent of a keyword-only parameter in Python. :param aliases: The arguments that trigger this parameter. The first alias is used to refer to the parameter. The first one is picked as `.display_name` if unspecified. :type aliases: sequence of strings """ def __init__(self, aliases, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('display_name', aliases[0]) super(NamedParameter, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.aliases = aliases """The parameter's aliases, eg. "--option" and "-o".""" __key_count = itertools.count() @classmethod
[docs] def alias_key(cls, name): """Sort key function to order aliases in source order, but with short forms(one dash) first.""" return len(name) - len(name.lstrip('-')), next(cls.__key_count)
[docs] def get_all_names(self): """Retrieves all aliases.""" return ', '.join(sorted(self.aliases, key=self.alias_key) )
@property def short_name(self): """Retrieves the shortest alias for displaying the parameter signature.""" return min(self.aliases, key=len)
[docs] def get_full_name(self): """Uses the shortest name instead of the display name.""" return self.short_name
[docs] def redispatch_short_arg(self, rest, ba, i): """Processes the rest of an argument as if it was a new one prefixed with one dash. For instance when ``-a`` is a flag in ``-abcd``, the object implementing it will call this to proceed as if ``-a -bcd`` was passed.""" if not rest: return try: nparam = ba.sig.aliases['-' + rest[0]] except KeyError as e: raise errors.UnknownOption(e.args[0]) orig_args = ba.in_args ba.in_args = ba.in_args[:i] + ('-' + rest,) + ba.in_args[i + 1:] try: nparam.read_argument(ba, i) finally: ba.in_args = orig_args ba.unsatisfied.discard(nparam)
[docs] def get_value(self, ba, i): """Fetches the value after the ``=`` (``--opt=val``) or in the next argument (``--opt val``).""" arg = super(NamedParameter, self).get_value(ba, i) if arg.startswith('--'): name, glued, val = arg.partition('=') else: arg = arg.lstrip('-') if len(arg) > 1: glued = True val = arg[1:] else: glued = False if not glued: try: val = ba.in_args[i+1] except IndexError: raise errors.MissingValue ba.skip = not glued return val
[docs]class OptionParameter(NamedParameter, ParameterWithValue, ParameterWithSourceEquivalent): """A named parameter that takes an argument."""
[docs] def read_argument(self, ba, i): """Stores the argument in `CliBoundArguments.kwargs` if it isn't already present.""" if self.argument_name in ba.kwargs: raise errors.DuplicateNamedArgument() val = self.get_value(ba, i) ba.kwargs[self.argument_name] = self.coerce_value(val, ba)
[docs] def format_type(self): """Returns a string designation of the value type.""" return util.name_type2cli(self.conv)
[docs] def format_argument(self, long_alias): return ('=' if long_alias else ' ') + self.format_type()
[docs] def get_all_names(self): """Appends the value type to all aliases.""" names = super(OptionParameter, self).get_all_names() long_alias = any(alias.startswith('--') for alias in self.aliases) return names + self.format_argument(long_alias)
[docs] def get_full_name(self): """Appends the value type to the shortest alias.""" sn = super(OptionParameter, self).get_full_name() short_alias = any( not alias.startswith('--') for alias in self.aliases) return sn + self.format_argument(not short_alias)
[docs]class FlagParameter(OptionParameter): """A named parameter that takes no argument. :param value: The value when the argument is present. :param false_value: The value when the argument is given one of the false value triggers using ``--param=xyz``. """ required = False false_triggers = '0', 'n', 'no', 'f', 'false' """Values for which ``--flag=X`` will consider the argument false and will pass `.false_value` to the function. In all other cases `.value` is passed.""" def __init__(self, value, **kwargs): super(FlagParameter, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.value = value """The value passed to the function if the flag is triggered without a specified value."""
[docs] def read_argument(self, ba, i): """Overrides `NamedParameter`'s value-getting behavior to allow no argument to be passed after the flag is named.""" arg = ba.in_args[i] if arg[1] == '-': name, sep, val = arg.partition('=') ba.kwargs[self.argument_name] = ( self.coerce_value(val, ba) if sep else self.value) else: ba.kwargs[self.argument_name] = self.value self.redispatch_short_arg(arg[2:], ba, i)
[docs] def format_argument(self, long_alias): if not long_alias or self.conv == is_true: return '' return ('[=' if long_alias else ' [') + self.format_type() + ']'
def split_int_rest(s): for i, c, in enumerate(s): if not c.isdigit() and c != '-': return s[:i], s[i:] return s, ''
[docs]class IntOptionParameter(OptionParameter): """A named parameter that takes an integer as argument. The short form of it can be chained with the short form of other named parameters."""
[docs] def read_argument(self, ba, i): """Handles redispatching after a numerical value.""" if self.argument_name in ba.kwargs: raise errors.DuplicateNamedArgument() arg = ba.in_args[i] if arg.startswith('--'): super(IntOptionParameter, self).read_argument(ba, i) return arg = arg.lstrip('-')[1:] if not arg: super(IntOptionParameter, self).read_argument(ba, i) return val, rest = split_int_rest(arg) ba.kwargs[self.argument_name] = self.coerce_value(val, ba) self.redispatch_short_arg(rest, ba, i)
[docs]class PositionalParameter(ParameterWithValue, ParameterWithSourceEquivalent): """Equivalent of a positional-only parameter in Python."""
[docs] def read_argument(self, ba, i): """Stores the argument in `CliBoundArguments.args`.""" ba.args.append(self.coerce_value(self.get_value(ba, i), ba))
[docs] def help_parens(self): """Puts the value type in parenthesis since it isn't shown in the parameter's signature.""" if self.conv is not identity: yield 'type: ' + util.name_type2cli(self.conv) for s in super(PositionalParameter, self).help_parens(): yield s
[docs]class MultiParameter(ParameterWithValue): """Parameter that can collect multiple values.""" def __init__(self, min, max, **kwargs): super(MultiParameter, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.min = min """The minimum amount of values this parameter accepts.""" self.max = max """The maximum amount of values this parameter accepts.""" @property def required(self): """Returns if there is a minimum amount of values required.""" return self.min
[docs] def get_collection(self, ba): """Return an object that new values will be appended to.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def read_argument(self, ba, i): """Adds passed argument to the collection returned by `get_collection`.""" val = self.coerce_value(self.get_value(ba, i), ba) col = self.get_collection(ba) col.append(val) if self.min <= len(col): ba.unsatisfied.discard(self) if self.max is not None and self.max < len(col): raise errors.TooManyValues
[docs] def apply_generic_flags(self, ba): """Doesn't automatically mark the parameter as satisfied.""" if self.last_option: ba.posarg_only = True
[docs] def unsatisfied(self, ba): """Lets `errors.MissingRequiredArguments` be raised or raises `errors.NotEnoughValues` if arguments were passed but not enough to meet `.min`.""" if not ba.args or len(ba.unsatisfied) > 1: return True raise errors.NotEnoughValues
[docs] def get_full_name(self): """Adds an elipsis to the parameter name.""" return super(MultiParameter, self).get_full_name() + '...'
[docs]class ExtraPosArgsParameter(MultiParameter, PositionalParameter): """Parameter that forwards all remaining positional arguments to the callee. Used to convert ``*args``-like parameters. """ def __init__(self, required=False, min=None, max=None, **kwargs): min = bool(required) if min is None else min super(ExtraPosArgsParameter, self).__init__(min=min, max=max, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_collection(self, ba): """Uses `CliBoundArguments.args` to collect the remaining arguments.""" return ba.args
[docs] def apply_generic_flags(self, ba): """Sets itself as sticky parameter so that `errors.TooManyArguments` is not raised when processing further parameters.""" super(ExtraPosArgsParameter, self).apply_generic_flags(ba) ba.sticky = self
[docs]class AppendArguments(HelperParameter, MultiParameter): """Helper parameter that collects multiple values to be passed as positional arguments to the callee. Similar to `ExtraPosArgsParameter` but does not correspond to a parameter in the source.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(AppendArguments, self).__init__(min=0, max=None, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_collection(self, ba): """Uses `CliBoundArguments.args` to collect the remaining arguments.""" return ba.args
[docs]class IgnoreAllArguments(HelperParameter, Parameter): """Helper parameter for `.FallbackCommandParameter` that ignores the remaining arguments."""
[docs] def read_argument(self, ba, i): """Does nothing, ignoring all arguments processed.""" pass
[docs]class FallbackCommandParameter(NamedParameter): """Parameter that sets an alternative function when triggered. When used as an argument other than the first all arguments are discarded.""" is_alternate_action = True def __init__(self, func, **kwargs): super(FallbackCommandParameter, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.func = func """The function that will be called if this parameter is mentionned.""" @util.property_once
[docs] def description(self): """Use `.func`'s docstring to provide the parameter description.""" try: return self.func.helper.description except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def read_argument(self, ba, i): """Clears all processed arguments, sets up `.func` to be called later, and lets all remaining arguments be collected as positional if this was the first argument.""" ba.args[:] = [ + ' ' + self.display_name] ba.kwargs.clear() ba.post_name.append(ba.in_args[i]) ba.func = self.func ba.posarg_only = True ba.sticky = IgnoreAllArguments() if i else AppendArguments()
[docs]class AlternateCommandParameter(FallbackCommandParameter): """Parameter that sets an alternative function when triggered. Cannot be used as any argument but the first."""
[docs] def read_argument(self, ba, i): """Raises an error when this parameter is used after other arguments have been given.""" if i: raise errors.ArgsBeforeAlternateCommand(self) return super(AlternateCommandParameter, self).read_argument(ba, i)
[docs]def parameter_converter(obj): """Decorates a callable to be interpreted as a parameter converter when passed as an annotation. It will be called with an `inspect.Parameter` object and a sequence of objects passed as annotations, without the parameter converter itself. It is expected to return a `clize.parser.Parameter` instance or `Parameter.IGNORE`.""" obj._clize__parameter_converter = True return obj
def is_parameter_converter(obj): return getattr(obj, '_clize__parameter_converter', False) def unimplemented_parameter(argument_name, **kwargs): raise ValueError( "This converter cannot convert parameter {0!r},".format(argument_name) ) @modifiers.autokwoargs
[docs]def use_class( pos=unimplemented_parameter, varargs=unimplemented_parameter, named=unimplemented_parameter, varkwargs=unimplemented_parameter, kwargs={}): """Creates a parameter converter similar to the default converter that picks one of 4 factory functions depending on the type of parameter. :param pos: The parameter factory for positional parameters. :param varargs: The parameter factory for ``*args``-like parameters. :param named: The parameter factory for keyword parameters. :param varkwargs: The parameter factory for ``**kwargs``-like parameters. :type pos: callable that returns a `Parameter` instance :type varargs: callable that returns a `Parameter` instance :type named: callable that returns a `Parameter` instance :type varkwargs: callable that returns a `Parameter` instance :param kwargs: additional arguments to pass to the chosen factory. """ return parameter_converter( partial(_use_class, pos, varargs, named, varkwargs, kwargs))
[docs]def use_mixin(cls, kwargs={}): """Like ``use_class``, but creates classes inheriting from ``cls`` and one of ``PositionalParameter``, ``ExtraPosArgsParameter``, and ``OptionParameter`` :param cls: The class to use as mixin. :param kwargs: additional arguments to pass to the chosen factory. """ class _PosWithMixin(cls, PositionalParameter): pass class _VarargsWithMixin(cls, ExtraPosArgsParameter): pass class _NamedWithMixin(cls, OptionParameter): pass return use_class(pos=_PosWithMixin, varargs=_VarargsWithMixin, named=_NamedWithMixin, kwargs=kwargs)
def _use_class(pos_cls, varargs_cls, named_cls, varkwargs_cls, kwargs, param, annotations): named = param.kind in (param.KEYWORD_ONLY, param.VAR_KEYWORD) aliases = [] default = util.UNSET conv = identity kwargs = dict( kwargs,, undocumented=Parameter.UNDOCUMENTED in annotations, ) if param.default is not param.empty: default = param.default if Parameter.REQUIRED in annotations: kwargs['required'] = True if Parameter.LAST_OPTION in annotations: kwargs['last_option'] = True set_coerce = False for thing in annotations: if isinstance(thing, Parameter): return thing if callable(thing): if is_parameter_converter(thing): raise ValueError( "A custom parameter converter must be the first element " "of a parameter's annotation") try: conv = get_value_converter(thing) except ValueError: pass else: if set_coerce: raise ValueError( "Coercion function specified twice in annotation: " "{0.__name__} {1.__name__}".format(conv, thing)) conv = conv set_coerce = True continue if isinstance(thing, six.string_types): if not named: raise ValueError("Cannot give aliases for a positional " "parameter.") if len(thing.split()) > 1: raise ValueError("Cannot have whitespace in aliases.") if thing in aliases: raise ValueError("Duplicate alias " + repr(thing)) aliases.append(thing) continue if isinstance(thing, ParameterFlag): continue raise ValueError(thing) kwargs['default'] = default if not kwargs.get('required') else util.UNSET kwargs['conv'] = conv if not set_coerce and default is not util.UNSET and default is not None: kwargs['conv'] = get_value_converter(type(default)) if named: kwargs['aliases'] = [ util.name_py2cli(alias, named) for alias in aliases] if param.kind == param.VAR_KEYWORD: return varkwargs_cls(**kwargs) return named_cls(**kwargs) else: kwargs['display_name'] = util.name_py2cli( if param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL: return varargs_cls(**kwargs) return pos_cls(**kwargs) def pos_parameter(required=False, **kwargs): return PositionalParameter(**kwargs) def named_parameter(**kwargs): if kwargs['default'] is False and kwargs['conv'] is is_true: del kwargs['default'] return FlagParameter(value=True, **kwargs) elif kwargs['conv'] is _implicit_converters[int]: return IntOptionParameter(**kwargs) else: return OptionParameter(**kwargs) default_converter = use_class( pos=pos_parameter, varargs=ExtraPosArgsParameter, named=named_parameter, ) """The default parameter converter. It is described in detail in :ref:`default-converter`.""" def _develop_extras(params): for param in params: yield param for subparam in _develop_extras(param.extras): yield subparam
[docs]class CliSignature(object): """A collection of parameters that can be used to translate CLI arguments to function arguments. :param iterable parameters: The parameters to use. .. attribute:: converter :annotation: = clize.parser.default_converter The converter used by default in case none is present in the annotations. .. attribute:: parameters An ordered dict of all parameters of this cli signature. .. attribute:: positional List of positional parameters. .. attribute:: alternate List of parameters that initiate an alternate action. .. attribute:: named List of named parameters that aren't in `.alternate`. .. attribute:: aliases :annotation: = {} Maps parameter names to `NamedParameter` instances. .. attribute:: required :annotation: = set() A set of all required parameters. """ converter = default_converter def __init__(self, parameters): params = self.parameters = util.OrderedDict() pos = self.positional = [] named = self.named = [] alt = self.alternate = [] aliases = self.aliases = {} required = self.required = set() for param in _develop_extras(parameters): required_ = getattr(param, 'required', False) aliases_ = getattr(param, 'aliases', None) if required_: required.add(param) if aliases_ is not None: for alias in aliases_: existing = aliases.get(alias) if existing is not None: raise ValueError( "Parameters {0.display_name} and {1.display_name} " "use a duplicate alias {2!r}." .format(existing, param, alias) ) aliases[alias] = param if param.is_alternate_action: alt.append(param) elif aliases_ is not None: named.append(param) else: pos.append(param) params[getattr(param, 'argument_name', param.display_name)] = param @classmethod
[docs] def from_signature(cls, sig, extra=(), **kwargs): """Takes a signature object and returns an instance of this class deduced from it. :param inspect.Signature sig: The signature object to use. :param iterable extra: Extra parameter instances to include. """ return cls( parameters=itertools.chain( filter(lambda x: x is not Parameter.IGNORE, (cls.convert_parameter(param) for param in sig.parameters.values()) ), extra), **kwargs)
[docs] def convert_parameter(cls, param): """Convert a Python parameter to a CLI parameter.""" if param.annotation != param.empty: annotations = util.maybe_iter(param.annotation) else: annotations = [] if Parameter.IGNORE in annotations: return Parameter.IGNORE for i, annotation in enumerate(annotations): if getattr(annotation, '_clize__parameter_converter', False): conv = annotation annotations = annotations[:i] + annotations[i+1:] break else: conv = cls.converter return conv(param, annotations)
[docs] def read_arguments(self, args, name): """Returns a `.CliBoundArguments` instance for this CLI signature bound to the given arguments. :param sequence args: The CLI arguments, minus the script name. :param str name: The script name. """ return CliBoundArguments(self, args, name)
def __str__(self): return ' '.join( str(p) for p in itertools.chain(self.named, self.positional) if not p.undocumented )
class _SeekFallbackCommand(object): """Context manager that tries to seek a fallback command if an error was raised.""" def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, typ, exc, tb): if exc is None: return try: pos = exc.pos ba = except AttributeError: return for i, arg in enumerate(ba.in_args[pos + 1:], pos +1): param = ba.sig.aliases.get(arg, None) if param in ba.sig.alternate: try: param.read_argument(ba, i) except errors.ArgumentError: continue ba.unsatisfied.clear() return True
[docs]class CliBoundArguments(object): """Command line arguments bound to a `.CliSignature` instance. :param CliSignature sig: The signature to bind against. :param sequence args: The CLI arguments, minus the script name. :param str name: The script name. .. attribute:: sig The signature being bound to. .. attribute:: in_args The CLI arguments, minus the script name. .. attribute:: name The script name. .. attribute:: args :annotation: = [] List of arguments to pass to the target function. .. attribute:: kwargs :annotation: = {} Mapping of named arguments to pass to the target function. .. attribute:: meta :annotation: = {} A dict for parameters to store data for the duration of the argument processing. .. attribute:: func :annotation: = None If not `None`, replaces the target function. .. attribute:: post_name :annotation: = [] List of words to append to the script name when passed to the target function. The following attributes only exist while arguments are being processed: .. attribute:: posparam :annotation: = iter(sig.positional) The iterator over the positional parameters used to process positional arguments. .. attribute:: sticky :annotation: = None If not `None`, a parameter that will keep receiving positional arguments. .. attribute:: posarg_only :annotation: = False Arguments will always be processed as positional when this is set to `True`. .. attribute:: skip :annotation: = 0 Amount of arguments to skip. .. attribute:: unsatisfied :annotation: = set(<required parameters>) Required parameters that haven't yet been satisfied. """ """ Similarity threshold below which argument suggestions are dropped. Used when the user enters an incorrect argument and we try to suggest a valid argument instead. """ threshold = 0.75 def __init__(self, sig, args, name): self.sig = sig = name self.in_args = tuple(args) self.func = None self.post_name = [] self.args = [] self.kwargs = {} self.meta = {} self.posparam = iter(self.sig.positional) self.namedparams = dict(self.sig.aliases) self.sticky = None self.posarg_only = False self.skip = 0 self.unsatisfied = set(self.sig.required) with _SeekFallbackCommand(): for i, arg in enumerate(self.in_args): if self.skip > 0: self.skip -= 1 continue with errors.SetArgumentErrorContext(pos=i, val=arg, ba=self): if self.posarg_only or len(arg) < 2 or arg[0] != '-': if self.sticky is not None: param = self.sticky else: try: param = next(self.posparam) except StopIteration: exc = errors.TooManyArguments( self.in_args[i:]) exc.__cause__ = None raise exc elif arg == '--': self.posarg_only = True continue else: if arg.startswith('--'): name = arg.partition('=')[0] else: name = arg[:2] try: param = self.namedparams[name] except KeyError: raise errors.UnknownOption(name) with errors.SetArgumentErrorContext(param=param): param.read_argument(self, i) param.apply_generic_flags(self) if not self.func: if self.unsatisfied: unsatisfied = [] for p in self.unsatisfied: with errors.SetArgumentErrorContext(param=p): if p.unsatisfied(self): unsatisfied.append(p) if unsatisfied: raise errors.MissingRequiredArguments(unsatisfied) for p in self.sig.parameters.values(): p.post_parse(self) del self.sticky, self.posarg_only, self.skip, self.unsatisfied
[docs] def get_best_guess(self, passed_in_arg): if len(self.sig.aliases) > 0: closest_match = max(self.sig.aliases, \ key=partial(util.compute_similarity, passed_in_arg)) if util.compute_similarity(passed_in_arg, closest_match) >= \ self.threshold: return closest_match return None
def __iter__(self): yield self.func yield self.post_name yield self.args yield self.kwargs