Frequently asked questions

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What versions of Python are supported?

Clize is tested to run succesfully on Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5.

Clize 3.1 is the last version to support Python 2.6.

What libraries are required for Clize to run?

Using pip to install Clize from PyPI as in Installation will automatically install the right dependencies for you.

If you still need the list, Clize always requires:

  • six: For helping run Clize on both Python 2 and 3.
  • sigtools: Utilities to help manipulate function sigatures.

If you wish to use clize.converters.datetime, you need:

pip will install dateutil if you specify to install Clize with the datetime option, i.e. pip install "clize[datetime]".

On Python 2, sigtools requires:

Finally, on Python 2.6, this is also needed:

I just installed Clize using pip and I still get ImportErrors

Old versions of pip do not read Python-version dependent requirements and therefore do not install funcsigs or ordereddict. To remedy this, you can:

  • Upgrade pip and install Clize again. (Use the -U flag of pip install to force a reinstall.)
  • Install the dependencies manually.

What is sigtools and why is it a separate library?

sigtools is used in many of the examples throughout this documentation, and it is maintained by the same person as Clize, thus the above question.

Clize’s purpose is twofold:

  • Convert the idioms of a function signature into those of a CLI,
  • Parse the input that CLI arguments are.

It turns out that just asking for the function signature from inspect.signature is not good enough:

  • Python 2 users cannot write keyword-only parameters.
  • inspect.signature cannot process decorators that return a function with slightly altered parameters.

For the first point, Clize could have accepted an argument that said “do as if that parameter was keyword-only and make it a named parameter on the CLI” (and in fact it used to), but that would have Clize behave according to a signature and a bunch of things around it, which is a concept it tries to steer away from.

For the second, some tooling would be necessary to specify how exactly a decorator affected a wrapped function’s parameters.

Modifying and making signatures more useful was both complex and independent from command-line argument parsing, so it was made a separate library as sigtools.

So there you have it, sigtools helps you add keyword-only parameters on Python 2, and helps decorators specify how they alter parameters on decorated functions. All Clize sees is the finished accurate signature from which it infers a CLI.

What other libraries can be used for argument parsing?

See Alternatives to Clize.

How can I write mutually exclusive flags?

Mutually exclusive flags refer to when a user can use one flag A (--flag-a) or the other (--flag-b), but not both at the same time.

It is a feature that is difficult to express in a function signature as well as on the --help screen for the user (other than in the full usage form). It is therefore recommended to use a positional parameter or option that accepts one of specific values. one_of can help you do that.

If you still think mutually exclusive parameters are your best option, you can check for the condition in your function and raise clize.ArgumentError, as in the Arbitrary requirements part of the tutorial.

Some of my commands share features, can I reuse code somehow?

Yes! You can use decorators much like in regular Python code, see Function compositing.

Where can I find more help?

You can get help by contacting me directly, writing in the dedicated Gitter chatroom, using the #clize #python hashtags on Twitter, or by posting in the Clize Google+ community.

Contacting the author

You can contact me via @YannKsr on Twitter or via email. Feel free to ask about Clize!