Source code for

# clize -- A command-line argument parser for Python
# Copyright (C) 2011-2021 by Yann Kaiser and contributors. See AUTHORS and
# COPYING for details.

`` manages the generation of help messages obtained using ``--help``.

`.HelpCli` is the command-line interface for it. It is injected as an extra
alternate option by `.Clize`. It can be replaced using `.Clize`'s
``helper_class`` parameter.

`.HelpForClizeDocstring` constructs the help for clize's docstring format.
It is invoked by `.HelpCli.get_help` method. It can be swapped with the
``builder`` parameter of `.HelpCli`.

It uses `sigtools.specifiers.signature` to obtain which functions document the
parameters, `.elements_from_clize_docstring` and `.helpstream_from_elements`
process the docstring so it can be fed to


from __future__ import unicode_literals

import sys
import io
import itertools
import inspect
import re

import od
import attr
import six
from docutils.frontend import OptionParser
from docutils.parsers.rst import Parser
from docutils.utils import new_document
from docutils import nodes as dunodes, transforms
from docutils.transforms import references
from sigtools.modifiers import annotate, kwoargs

from clize import runner, parser, util, parameters

def _lines_to_paragraphs(L):
    return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable((x, '') for x in L))

def _pname(p):
    return getattr(p, 'argument_name', p.display_name)

def _filter_undocumented(params):
    for param in params:
        if not param.undocumented:
            yield param

LABEL_POS = "Arguments"
"""The label for positional parameters"""

LABEL_OPT = "Options"
"""The default label for named parameters"""

LABEL_ALT = "Other actions"
"""The label for alternate actions like ``--help``"""

[docs]@attr.s class HelpForParameters(object): """Stores and displays help for a CLI with positional parameters, named parameters and/or alternate actions designated by a named parameter Example output in relation to attribute names:: header section: param1 Param1 description After param2 param2 Param2 description footer .. attribute:: header :annotation: = [] A list of strings representing paragraphs in the help header/description. .. attribute:: footer :annotation: = [] A list of strings representing paragraphs in the help footer after everything else. .. attribute:: sections :annotation: = OrderedDict("section_name" => OrderedDict("param_name" => (param, "description"))) Maps section names to parameters and their help. .. attribute:: after :annotation: = {"param_name": ["paragraph"]} Maps parameter names to additional paragraphs. """ header = attr.ib() footer = attr.ib() sections = attr.ib() after = attr.ib()
[docs] @classmethod def blank_from_signature(cls, signature): """Creates a blank instance with placeholders for the parameters in ``signature``. The parameters are sorted into three sections: ============ =================================== `.LABEL_POS` Positional parameters `.LABEL_OPT` Named parameters `.LABEL_ALT` Alternate options (e.g. ``--help``) ============ =================================== """ s = util.OrderedDict(( (LABEL_POS, util.OrderedDict()), (LABEL_OPT, util.OrderedDict()), (LABEL_ALT, util.OrderedDict()), )) for p in _filter_undocumented(signature.positional): s[LABEL_POS][_pname(p)] = p, '' for p in sorted( _filter_undocumented(signature.named), key=_pname): s[LABEL_OPT][_pname(p)] = p, '' for p in _filter_undocumented(signature.alternate): s[LABEL_ALT][_pname(p)] = p, '' return cls([], [], s, {})
@property def _has_options(self): if self.sections[LABEL_OPT]: return True return any(title not in (LABEL_POS, LABEL_OPT, LABEL_ALT) for title in self.sections) @property def _all_params(self): return ( param for title, section in self.sections.items() for param, _ in section.values() ) @property def _params_for_usage(self): for title, section in self.sections.items(): if title not in (LABEL_POS, LABEL_ALT): for param, _ in section.values(): yield param for param, _ in self.sections[LABEL_POS].values(): yield param @property def _alternate_params(self): return ( param for param, _ in self.sections[LABEL_ALT].values() )
[docs] def show_usage(self, name): """Returns a summary overview of the command's parameters. Option parameters are collapsed as ``[OPTIONS]`` in the output. """ ret = ['Usage:', name] if self._has_options: ret.append('[OPTIONS]') ret.extend( str(param) for param, _ in self.sections[LABEL_POS].values()) return ' '.join(ret),
def _alternate_usages(self): return _alternate_usages(self._alternate_params)
[docs] def usages(self): """Returns an iterable of all possible complete usage patterns""" yield ' '.join(str(param) for param in self._params_for_usage) for usage in self._alternate_usages(): yield usage
[docs] def show_full_usage(self, name): """Returns an iterable of all possible complete usage patterns including the command name""" for usage in self.usages(): yield name + ' ' + usage
def _show_parameters(self): f = util.Formatter() with f.columns(indent=2) as cols: for label, section in self.sections.items(): if not section: continue f.new_paragraph() f.append(label + ':') for argname, (param, text) in section.items(): self._show_parameter( param, text, self.after.get(argname, ()), f, cols) return f def _show_parameter(self, param, desc, after, f, cols): ret = param.show_help(desc, after, f, cols) if ret is not None: cols.append(*ret) if after: f.new_paragraph() f.extend(after) f.new_paragraph()
[docs] def show_help(self, name): """Produce the full help.""" f = util.Formatter() f.extend(self.show_usage(name)) f.new_paragraph() f.extend(_lines_to_paragraphs(self.header)) f.new_paragraph() f.extend(self._show_parameters()) f.new_paragraph() f.extend(_lines_to_paragraphs(self.footer)) return f
_p_delim = re.compile(r'\n\s*\n') def _split_clize_docstring(s): if not s: return code_coming = False code = False for p in _p_delim.split(s): if (code_coming or code) and p.startswith(' '): yield p code_coming = False code = True else: item = ' '.join(p.split()) if item.endswith(':'): code_coming = True if item == ':': continue code = False yield item CLIZEDOC_ARGUMENT_RE = re.compile(r'^(\w+): ?(.+)$')
[docs]def elements_from_clize_docstring(source): """Converts a string to an iterable of element tuples such as ``(EL_FREE_TEXT, "text", False)``. The result is suitable for `helpstream_from_elements`. See below for which tuples are produced/understood. """ free_text = None for p in _split_clize_docstring(source): if p.startswith(' '): if free_text is not None: yield EL_FREE_TEXT, free_text, False free_text = None yield EL_FREE_TEXT, p, True continue argdoc = CLIZEDOC_ARGUMENT_RE.match(p) if argdoc: argname, text = argdoc.groups() if free_text is not None: if free_text.endswith(':'): yield EL_LABEL, free_text[:-1] free_text = None if free_text is not None: yield EL_FREE_TEXT, free_text, False free_text = None yield EL_PARAM_DESC, argname, text else: if free_text is not None: yield EL_FREE_TEXT, free_text, False free_text = None free_text = p if free_text is not None: yield EL_FREE_TEXT, free_text, False
EL_LABEL = util.Sentinel('EL_LABEL') """``(EL_LABEL, "label")`` Indicates that the subsequent `EL_PARAM_DESC` elements are under a section label. """ EL_FREE_TEXT = util.Sentinel('EL_FREE_TEXT') """``(EL_FREE_TEXT, "paragraph", is_preformatted)`` Designates some free text. May be converted into header text, footer text, or additional paragraphs after a parameter depending on context. The last free text elements at the end of a docstring are always considered to be the footer rather than additional paragraphs after a parameter. ``is_preformatted`` is a boolean that indicates that the paragraph should not be reformatted. """ EL_PARAM_DESC = util.Sentinel('EL_PARAM_DESC') """``(EL_PARAM_DESC, "param", "paragraph")`` Designates the description for a parameter. """ EL_AFTER = util.Sentinel('EL_AFTER') """``(EL_AFTER, "param", "paragraph", is_preformatted)`` Explicitly designates an additional paragraph after a parameter. Unlike `EL_FREE_TEXT`, this cannot be confused for a footer paragraph. """
[docs]def helpstream_from_elements(tokens): """ Transforms an iterable of non-explicit ``EL_*`` elements to an iterable of explicit ``HELP_*`` elements. The result is suitable for `HelpForClizeDocstring.add_helpstream`. """ label = None prev_param = None free_text = [] for token in tokens: ttype, args = token[0], token[1:] if ttype == EL_FREE_TEXT: text, preformatted = args free_text.append((text, preformatted)) else: if prev_param is None: for ftext in free_text: yield (HELP_HEADER,) + ftext else: for ftext in free_text: yield (HELP_PARAM_AFTER, prev_param) + ftext free_text = [] if ttype == EL_LABEL: label, = args elif ttype == EL_PARAM_DESC: name, description = args prev_param = name yield HELP_PARAM_DESC, name, label, description elif ttype == EL_AFTER: name, text, preformatted = args yield (HELP_PARAM_AFTER,) + args else: raise ValueError("Unknown token: " + str(ttype)) if prev_param is None: for ftext in free_text: yield (HELP_HEADER,) + ftext else: for ftext in free_text: yield (HELP_FOOTER,) + ftext
HELP_HEADER = util.Sentinel('HELP_HEADER') """``(HELP_HEADER, "paragraph", is_preformatted)`` Designates a paragraph that appears before the parameter descriptions. """ HELP_FOOTER = util.Sentinel('HELP_FOOTER') """``(HELP_FOOTER, "paragraph", is_preformatted)`` Designates a paragraph that appears after the parameter descriptions. """ HELP_PARAM_DESC = util.Sentinel('HELP_PARAM_DESC') """``(HELP_PARAM_DESC, "param", "label", "paragraph")`` Designates a parameter description. If no label was specified `None` should take its place. """ HELP_PARAM_AFTER = util.Sentinel('HELP_PARAM_AFTER') """``(HELP_PARAM_AFTER, "param", "paragraph", is_preformatted)`` Designates a paragraph after a parameter description. """ def elements_from_autodetected_docstring(docstring, name): if not docstring: return () document, errout = document_from_sphinx_docstring(docstring, name) if document.next_node(dunodes.field_list, include_self=True) is None: return elements_from_clize_docstring(docstring) else: sys.stderr.write(errout) return elements_from_sphinx_document(document)
[docs]class HelpForAutodetectedDocstring(HelpForParameters): """Builds generic parameter help from the docstrings of Clize instances Uses a custom docstring format. See :ref:`clize docstring`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(HelpForAutodetectedDocstring, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._documented = set()
[docs] @classmethod def from_subject(cls, subject, owner): """Constructs a `HelpForClizeDocstring` instance and populates it with data from a `.Clize` instance. It uses the parameters' `.parser.Parameter.prepare_help` and reads the docstrings of functions from which the parameters originate. :param .Clize subject: The `.Clize` instance to document. :param object owner: The object of which ``subject`` is a member of, or `None`. This typically has a value if a CLI is defined as a class:: class MyCli(object): @clize.Clize def cli(self, param): ... ``owner`` would refer to an instance of ``MyCli``. """ ret = cls.blank_from_signature(subject.signature) ret.add_from_parameters(subject.signature.parameters.values()) ret.add_from_parameter_sources(subject) return ret
@classmethod def _get_param_type(cls, param): try: param.aliases except AttributeError: return LABEL_POS else: return LABEL_OPT @property def _parameters(self): return { param.argument_name: param for param in self._all_params if hasattr(param, 'argument_name') } def _pop_real_subject(self, funcs, subject): for i, (func, pnames) in enumerate(reversed(funcs), 1): if func.__name__ == subject.__name__: break else: return None return funcs.pop(len(funcs) - i)[0]
[docs] def add_from_parameters(self, parameters): """Uses `.parser.Parameter.prepare_help` on an iterable of parameters""" for param in parameters: param.prepare_help(self)
[docs] def add_from_parameter_sources(self, subject): """Processes the docstrings of the functions that have parameters in ``subject`` and adds their information to this instance. :param .Clize subject: the Clize runner to document """ func_signature = subject.func_signature funcs = util.OrderedDict() for pname in func_signature.parameters: for func in func_signature.sources[pname]: funcs.setdefault(func, set()).add(pname) for func in func_signature.sources['+depths']: funcs.setdefault(func, set()) funcs = sorted( funcs.items(), key=lambda i: func_signature.sources['+depths'].get(i[0], 1000)) real_subject = self._pop_real_subject(funcs, subject) or subject self.add_docstring(inspect.getdoc(real_subject), real_subject.__name__, None, True) for func, pnames in funcs: try: fname = func.__name__ except AttributeError: pass else: self.add_docstring( inspect.getdoc(func), fname, pnames - self._documented, False)
[docs] def add_docstring(self, docstring, name, pnames, primary): """Parses and integrates info from a docstring to this instance. :param str docstring: The docstring to be read. Must be de-indented using something like `inspect.cleandoc`. :param set pnames: If not `None`, only add info about these parameter names. :param bool primary: Add headers and footers from this docstring. """ self.add_helpstream( helpstream_from_elements( elements_from_autodetected_docstring(docstring, name)), pnames, primary)
[docs] def parse_docstring(self, docstring): """Alias of `add_docstring` for backwards compatibility.""" self.add_docstring(docstring, "docstring", None, False)
[docs] def add_helpstream(self, stream, pnames, primary): """Add an iterable of tuples starting with ``HELP_`` to this instance. :param iterable stream: An iterable of ``(HELP_*, ...)`` tuples, as produced by `helpstream_from_elements` :param set pnames: If not `None`, only add info about these parameter names. :param bool primary: Add headers and footers from this docstring. """ parameters = self._parameters for item in stream: ttype, args = item[0], item[1:] if ttype == HELP_HEADER: if primary: self.header.append(args[0]) elif ttype == HELP_FOOTER: if primary: self.footer.append(args[0]) elif ttype == HELP_PARAM_DESC: name, label, description = args if pnames is not None and name not in pnames: continue try: param = parameters[name] except KeyError: continue default_label = self._get_param_type(parameters[name]) if default_label == LABEL_POS: final_label = default_label else: self.sections[default_label].pop(name) final_label = label or default_label if final_label not in self.sections: self.sections[final_label] = util.OrderedDict() self.sections[final_label][name] = param, description self._documented.add(name) elif ttype == HELP_PARAM_AFTER: name, description, preformatted = args if pnames is not None and name not in pnames: continue self.after.setdefault(name, []).append(description) else: raise ValueError("Unknown help item type: " + repr(ttype)) self.sections[LABEL_ALT] = self.sections.pop(LABEL_ALT)
[docs]class HelpForClizeDocstring(HelpForAutodetectedDocstring):
[docs] def add_docstring(self, docstring, name, pnames, primary): """Parses a Clize docstring.""" self.add_helpstream( helpstream_from_elements( elements_from_clize_docstring(docstring)), pnames, primary)
class _NodeSeeker(dunodes.GenericNodeVisitor, object): def __init__(self, node, *args, **kwargs): include = kwargs.pop('include') exclude = kwargs.pop('exclude', (dunodes.system_message,)) super(_NodeSeeker, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.node = node self.include = include self.exclude = exclude self.result = [] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.result) def default_visit(self, node): if isinstance(node, self.exclude) and node != self.node: raise dunodes.SkipChildren elif isinstance(node, self.include): self.result.append(node) def _du_field_name_and_body(node): name = None body = None for n in node.traverse(): if isinstance(n, dunodes.field_name): name = n elif isinstance(n, dunodes.field_body): body = n return name, body _NEWLINE_PAT = re.compile(r'(?P<dot>\.?)\n+') def _replace_newline(match): if'dot'): return '. ' else: return ' ' def _remove_newlines(text): return _NEWLINE_PAT.sub(_replace_newline, text) def _is_label(text, node): next_node = node.next_node(descend=False, ascend=True) return ( text.endswith(':') and isinstance(next_node, dunodes.field_list) ) class _SphinxVisitor(dunodes.SparseNodeVisitor, object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(_SphinxVisitor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.result = [] def seek_nodes(self, node, include, exclude=(dunodes.system_message)): visitor = _NodeSeeker(node, self.document, include=include, exclude=exclude) node.walk(visitor) return list(visitor) def text(self, *args, **kwargs): return ''.join( node.astext() for node in self.seek_nodes(*args, include=(dunodes.Text,), **kwargs) ) def visit_paragraph(self, node): text = self.text(node) if _is_label(text, node): self.result.append( (EL_LABEL, text[:-1]) ) else: self.result.append( (EL_FREE_TEXT, _remove_newlines(self.text(node)), False) ) raise dunodes.SkipChildren def indent_preformatted(self, text): return '\n'.join(' ' + line for line in text.split('\n')) def visit_literal_block(self, node): self.result.append( (EL_FREE_TEXT, self.indent_preformatted(self.text(node)), True) ) raise dunodes.SkipChildren def visit_field(self, node): name, body = _du_field_name_and_body(node) options = self.text(name).split() if options[0] == 'param': param = options[-1] paragraphs = self.seek_nodes(body, include=(dunodes.paragraph, dunodes.literal_block)) description = "" if paragraphs and isinstance(paragraphs[0], dunodes.paragraph): description = _remove_newlines(self.text(paragraphs.pop(0))) self.result.append( (EL_PARAM_DESC, param, description) ) for p in paragraphs: text = self.text(p) preformatted = True if isinstance(p, dunodes.paragraph): preformatted = False text = _remove_newlines(text) else: text = self.indent_preformatted(text) self.result.append( (EL_AFTER, param, text, preformatted) ) raise dunodes.SkipChildren def visit_system_message(self, node): raise dunodes.SkipChildren def __iter__(self): return iter(self.result)
[docs]def document_from_sphinx_docstring(source, name): """Reads a Sphinx.autodoc-compatible docstring into something `helpstream_from_elements` can process. """ parser = Parser() settings = OptionParser(components=(Parser,)).get_default_values() errout = settings.warning_stream = io.StringIO() document = new_document(name, settings) parser.parse(source, document) transformer = transforms.Transformer(document) transformer.add_transform(references.Substitutions) transformer.apply_transforms() return document, errout.getvalue()
def elements_from_sphinx_document(document): visitor = _SphinxVisitor(document) document.walk(visitor) return visitor def elements_from_sphinx_docstring(docstring, name): document, errout = document_from_sphinx_docstring(docstring, name) sys.stderr.write(errout) return elements_from_sphinx_document(document)
[docs]class HelpForSphinxDocstring(HelpForClizeDocstring): """Builds generic parameter help from the docstrings of Clize instances Understands docstrings written for Sphinx's :rst:dir:`autodoc <sphinx:autofunction>`."""
[docs] def add_docstring(self, docstring, name, pnames, primary): self.add_helpstream( helpstream_from_elements( elements_from_sphinx_docstring(docstring, name), ), pnames, primary)
def _alternate_usages(alternate_params): for param in alternate_params: subname = param.display_name try: helper = param.func.helper except AttributeError: yield subname + ' [args...]' else: for usage in helper.get_help().usages(): yield subname + ' ' + usage
[docs]@attr.s class HelpForSubcommands(object): """Stores help for subcommand dispatchers. .. attribute:: subcommands An ordered mapping of the subcommand names to their description. .. attribute:: header Iterable of paragraphs for the help header. .. attribute:: footer Iterable of paragraphs for the help footnotes. """ _usages = attr.ib() subcommands = attr.ib() header = attr.ib() footer = attr.ib()
[docs] @classmethod def from_subject(cls, subject, owner): """Constructs a `.HelpForSubcommands` instance and populates it with data from a `.Clize` instance. It uses the parameters' `.parser.Parameter.prepare_help` and reads the docstrings of functions from which the parameters originate. :param .Clize subject: The `.Clize` instance to document. :param .SubcommandDispatcher owner: The subcommand dispatcher being documented. """ usages = cls._get_usages(subject.signature.alternate, owner.cmds.items()) subcommands = od( (names, cls._get_description(command)) for names, command in owner.cmds.items() ) header = footer = () if owner.description: header = cls._get_free_text( elements_from_clize_docstring(inspect.cleandoc(owner.description))) if owner.footnotes: footer = cls._get_free_text( elements_from_clize_docstring(inspect.cleandoc(owner.footnotes))) return cls(list(usages), subcommands, list(header), list(footer))
@classmethod def _get_description(cls, command): try: return command.helper.description except AttributeError: return '' @classmethod def _get_usages(cls, alternate_params, subcommands): for usage in _alternate_usages(alternate_params): yield usage for names, subcommand in subcommands: try: get_usages = subcommand.helper.usages except AttributeError: yield names[0] + ' [args...]' else: for usage in get_usages(): yield names[0] + ' ' + usage @classmethod def _get_free_text(cls, tokens): for token in tokens: ttype, args = token[0], token[1:] if ttype == EL_FREE_TEXT: yield args[0]
[docs] def show_help(self, name): """Produce the full help.""" f = util.Formatter() f.extend(self.show_usage(name)) f.new_paragraph() f.extend(_lines_to_paragraphs(self.header)) f.new_paragraph() f.extend(self._show_subcommands()) f.new_paragraph() f.extend(_lines_to_paragraphs(self.footer)) return f
def _show_subcommands(self): f = util.Formatter() f.append('Commands:') with f.indent(): with f.columns() as cols: for names, description in self.subcommands.items(): cols.append(', '.join(names), description) return f
[docs] def show_usage(self, name): """Returns a summary overview of the dispatcher's command format.""" yield 'Usage: {0} command [args...]'.format(name)
[docs] def show_full_usage(self, name): """Returns an iterable of all possible complete usage patterns for subcommands including the command name""" for usage in self.usages(): yield name + ' ' + usage
[docs] def usages(self): """Returns an iterable of all possible complete usage patterns for all subcommands""" for usage in self._usages: yield usage
[docs]class HelpCli(object): """A command-line interface for constructing and accessing the help and other meta-information about a CLI""" def __init__(self, subject, owner, builder=HelpForAutodetectedDocstring.from_subject): self.subject = subject self.owner = owner self.builder = builder
[docs] @runner.Clize(hide_help=True) @kwoargs('usage') @annotate(name=parameters.pass_name, args=parser.Parameter.UNDOCUMENTED) def cli(self, name, usage=False, *args): """Show the help usage: Only show the full usage """ name = name.rpartition(' ')[0] f = util.Formatter() help = self.get_help() if usage: f.extend(help.show_full_usage(name)) else: f.extend(help.show_help(name)) return six.text_type(f)
[docs] def get_help(self): """Get the object """ return self.builder(self.subject, self.owner)
@property def description(self): """A short description of this command""" header = self.get_help().header if header: return header[0] else: return "" def prepare(self): pass # No-op for backwards-compatibility
[docs] def show(self, name): """Legacy alias of ``get_help().show_help(...)``""" return self.get_help().show_help(name)
[docs] def show_full_usage(self, name): """Legacy alias of ``get_help().show_full_usage(...)``""" return self.get_help().show_full_usage(name)
[docs] def show_usage(self, name): """Legacy alias of ``get_help().show_usage(...)``""" return self.get_help().show_usage(name)
[docs] def usages(self): """Legacy alias of ``get_help().usages(...)``""" return self.get_help().usages()
ClizeHelp = HelpCli