Source code for clize.legacy

# clize -- A command-line argument parser for Python
# Copyright (C) 2011-2016 by Yann Kaiser and contributors. See AUTHORS and
# COPYING for details.

import warnings
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain
from collections import defaultdict

from sigtools import modifiers, specifiers

from clize import runner, parser, util, errors

def _convert_coerce(func):
    if func not in parser._implicit_converters:
        func = parser.value_converter(func)
    return func

def _clize(fn, alias={}, force_positional=(), coerce={},
           require_excess=False, extra=(),
    sig = specifiers.signature(fn)
    has_kwoargs = False
    annotations = defaultdict(list)
    ann_positional = []
    for param in sig.parameters.values():
        coerce_set = False
        if param.kind == param.KEYWORD_ONLY:
            has_kwoargs = True
        elif param.kind == param.VAR_KEYWORD:
        elif require_excess and param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL:
        if param.annotation != param.empty:
            for thing in util.maybe_iter(param.annotation):
                if thing == clize.POSITIONAL:
                elif callable(thing):
                    coerce_set = True
                    thing = _convert_coerce(thing)
            func = coerce[]
        except KeyError:
            coerce_set = True
        annotations[].extend(alias.get(, ()))
        if not coerce_set and param.default != param.empty:
    fn = modifiers.annotate(**annotations)(fn)
    use_kwoargs = has_kwoargs if use_kwoargs is None else use_kwoargs
    if not use_kwoargs:
        fn = modifiers.autokwoargs(
            exceptions=chain(ann_positional, force_positional))(fn)
    return runner.Clize(fn, extra=extra)

@specifiers.forwards_to(_clize, 1)
[docs]def clize(fn=None, **kwargs): """Compatibility with clize<3.0 releases. Decorates a function in order to be passed to ``. See :ref:`porting-2`.""" warnings.warn('Use clize.Clize instead of clize.clize, or pass the ' 'function directly to run(), undecorated. See ' '' 'porting.html#porting-clize-decorator ' 'for more information.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if fn is None: return partial(_clize, **kwargs) else: return _clize(fn, **kwargs)
clize.kwo = partial(clize, use_kwoargs=True) clize.POSITIONAL = clize.P = parser.ParameterFlag('POSITIONAL', 'clize.legacy.clize') class MakeflagParameter(parser.NamedParameter): def __init__(self, takes_argument, **kwargs): super(MakeflagParameter, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.takes_argument = takes_argument def get_value(self, ba, i): assert self.takes_argument != 0 arg = ba.in_args[i] if ( self.takes_argument == 1 or arg[1] != '-' and len(arg) > 2 or '=' in arg ): return super(MakeflagParameter, self).get_value(ba, i) args = ba.in_args[i+1:i+1+self.takes_argument] if len(args) != self.takes_argument: raise errors.NotEnoughValues ba.skip = self.takes_argument return ' '.join(args) class MakeflagFuncParameter(MakeflagParameter): """Parameter class that imitates those returned by Clize 2's `make_flag` when passed a callable for source. See :ref:`porting-2`.""" def __init__(self, func, **kwargs): super(MakeflagFuncParameter, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.func = func def noop(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def read_argument(self, ba, i): val = True ret = self.func(, command=ba.sig, val=val, params=ba.kwargs) if ret: ba.func = self.noop class MakeflagOptionParameter(MakeflagParameter, parser.OptionParameter): pass class MakeflagIntOptionParameter(MakeflagParameter, parser.IntOptionParameter): pass
[docs]def make_flag(source, names, default=False, type=None, help='', takes_argument=0): """Compatibility with clize<3.0 releases. Creates a parameter instance. See :ref:`porting-2`.""" warnings.warn('clize.legacy.make_flag is deprecated. See ' '' 'porting.html#porting-make-flag', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) kwargs = {} kwargs['aliases'] = [util.name_py2cli(alias, kw=True) for alias in names] if callable(source): return MakeflagFuncParameter(source, takes_argument=takes_argument, **kwargs) cls = MakeflagOptionParameter kwargs['argument_name'] = source kwargs['conv'] = type or parser.is_true if not takes_argument: return parser.FlagParameter(value=True, **kwargs) kwargs['default'] = default kwargs['takes_argument'] = takes_argument if takes_argument == 1 and type is int: cls = MakeflagIntOptionParameter return cls(**kwargs)