Source code for clize.parser

# clize -- A command-line argument parser for Python
# Copyright (C) 2011-2021 by Yann Kaiser and contributors. See AUTHORS and
# COPYING for details.

interpret function signatures and read commandline arguments

import itertools
from functools import partial, wraps
import warnings

import six
from sigtools import modifiers
import attr

from clize import errors, util

class ParameterFlag(object):
    def __init__(self, name, prefix='clize.Parameter'): = name
        self.prefix = prefix

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{0.prefix}.{}'.format(self)

[docs]class Parameter(object): """Represents a CLI parameter. :param str display_name: The 'default' representation of the parameter. :param bool undocumented: If true, hides the parameter from the command help. :param last_option: If `True`, the parameter will set the `.posarg_only` flag on the bound arguments. Also available as `clize.Parameter`. """ L = LAST_OPTION = ParameterFlag('LAST_OPTION') """Annotate a parameter with this and all following arguments will be processed as positional.""" I = IGNORE = ParameterFlag('IGNORE') """Annotate a parameter with this and it will be dropped from the resulting CLI signature.""" U = UNDOCUMENTED = ParameterFlag('UNDOCUMENTED') """Parameters annotated with this will be omitted from the documentation (``--help``).""" R = REQUIRED = ParameterFlag('REQUIRED') """Annotate a parameter with this to force it to be required. Mostly only useful for ``*args`` parameters. In other cases, simply don't provide a default value.""" required = False """Is this parameter required?""" is_alternate_action = False """Should this parameter appear as an alternate action or as a regular parameter?""" extras = () """Iterable of extra parameters this parameter incurs""" def __init__(self, display_name, undocumented=False, last_option=None): self.display_name = display_name """The name used in printing this parameter.""" self.undocumented = undocumented """If true, this parameter is hidden from the documentation.""" self.last_option = last_option """If true, arguments after this parameter is triggered will all be processed as positional."""
[docs] def read_argument(self, ba, i): """Reads one or more arguments from ``ba.in_args`` from position ``i``. :param clize.parser.CliBoundArguments ba: The bound arguments object this call is expected to mutate. :param int i: The current position in ``ba.args``. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def apply_generic_flags(self, ba): """Called after `read_argument` in order to set attributes on ``ba`` independently of the arguments. :param clize.parser.CliBoundArguments ba: The bound arguments object this call is expected to mutate. The base implementation of this method applies the `last_option` setting if applicable and discards itself from `CliBoundArguments.unsatisfied` """ if self.last_option: ba.posarg_only = True ba.unsatisfied.discard(self) ba.not_provided.discard(self)
def unsatisfied(self, ba): """Called after processing arguments if this parameter required and not discarded from `.CliBoundArguments.unsatisfied`.""" return True def post_parse(self, ba): """Called after all arguments are processed successfully.""" def get_all_names(self): """Return a string with all of this parameter's names.""" return self.get_full_name() def get_full_name(self): """Return a string that designates this parameter.""" return self.display_name def __str__(self): """Return a string to represent this parameter in cli usage.""" if self.required: return self.get_full_name() else: return '[{0}]'.format(self.get_full_name()) def show_help(self, desc, after, f, cols): """Called by `` to produce the parameter's description in the help output.""" return ( self.get_all_names(), ( getattr(self, 'description', None) or desc ) + self.show_help_parens() ) def show_help_parens(self): """Return a string to complement a parameter's description in the ``--help`` output.""" s = ', '.join(self.help_parens()) if s: return ' ({0})'.format(s) return '' def help_parens(self): """Return an iterable of strings to complement a parameter's description in the ``--help`` output. Used by `.show_help_parens`""" return () def prepare_help(self, helper): """Called by `` to allow parameters to complement the help. :param: helper: The object charged with displaying the help. """
[docs]class ParameterWithSourceEquivalent(Parameter): """Parameter that relates to a function parameter in the source. :param str argument_name: The name of the parameter. """ def __init__(self, argument_name, **kwargs): super(ParameterWithSourceEquivalent, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.argument_name = argument_name
[docs]class HelperParameter(Parameter): """Parameter that doesn't appear in CLI signatures but is used for instance as the ``.sticky`` attribute of the bound arguments.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(HelperParameter, self).__init__( display_name='<internal>', **kwargs)
[docs]@modifiers.kwoargs(start='name') def value_converter(func=None, name=None, convert_default=False): """Callables decorated with this can be used as a value converter. :param str name: Use this name to designate the parameter value type. This should be in uppercase, with as few words as possible and no word delimiters. The default is the name of the decorated function or type, modified to follow this rule. :param bool convert_default: If true, the value converter will be called with the default parameter value if none was supplied. Otherwise, the default parameter is used as-is. Make sure to handle `None` appropriately if you override this. See :ref:`value converter`. """ def decorate(func): info = { 'name': util.name_type2cli(func) if name is None else name, 'convert_default': convert_default, } try: func._clize__value_converter = info return func except (TypeError, AttributeError): @wraps(func) def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return func(*args, **kwargs) _wrapper._clize__value_converter = info return _wrapper if func is not None: return decorate(func) return decorate
@value_converter(name='STR') def identity(x=None): return x @value_converter(name='BOOL') def is_true(arg): return arg.lower() not in ('', '0', 'n', 'no', 'f', 'false') _implicit_converters = { int: int, float: float, bool: is_true, six.text_type: identity, six.binary_type: identity, } def get_value_converter(annotation): try: return _implicit_converters[annotation] except KeyError: pass if not getattr(annotation, '_clize__value_converter', False): raise ValueError('{0!r} is not a value converter'.format(annotation)) return annotation
[docs]class ParameterWithValue(Parameter): """A parameter that takes a value from the arguments, with possible default and/or conversion. :param callable conv: A callable to convert the value or raise `ValueError`. Defaults to `.identity`. :param default: A default value for the parameter or `.util.UNSET`. """ def __init__(self, conv=identity, default=util.UNSET, **kwargs): super(ParameterWithValue, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.conv = conv """The function used for coercing the value into the desired format or type.""" self.default = default """The default value used for the parameter, or `.util.UNSET` if there is no default value. Usually only used for displaying the help.""" @property def required(self): """Tells if the parameter has no default value.""" return self.default is util.UNSET def read_argument(self, ba, i): """Uses `.get_value`, `.coerce_value` and `.set_value` to process an argument""" self.set_value(ba, self.coerce_value(self.get_value(ba, i), ba)) def set_value(self, ba, value): """Save the value for this parameter Usually accomplished by adding to `ba.args <CliBoundArguments.args>` or `ba.kwargs <CliBoundArguments.kwargs>`. """ raise NotImplementedError def coerce_value(self, arg, ba): """Coerces ``arg`` using the `.conv` function. Raises `.errors.BadArgumentFormat` if the coercion function raises `ValueError`. """ try: ret = self.conv(arg) except errors.CliValueError as e: exc = errors.BadArgumentFormat(e) exc.__cause__ = e raise exc except ValueError as e: exc = errors.BadArgumentFormat(repr(arg)) exc.__cause__ = e raise exc else: return ret def get_value(self, ba, i): """Retrieves the "value" part of the argument in ``ba`` at position ``i``.""" return ba.in_args[i] def help_parens(self): """Shows the default value in the parameter description.""" if self.default is not util.UNSET and self.default is not None: yield 'default: ' + str(self.default) def post_parse(self, ba): super(ParameterWithValue, self).post_parse(ba) try: info = self.conv._clize__value_converter except AttributeError: pass else: if self.default != util.UNSET and info['convert_default']: if self in ba.not_provided: self.set_value(ba, self.coerce_value(self.default, ba))
[docs]class NamedParameter(Parameter): """Equivalent of a keyword-only parameter in Python. :param aliases: The arguments that trigger this parameter. The first alias is used to refer to the parameter. The first one is picked as `.display_name` if unspecified. :type aliases: sequence of strings """ def __init__(self, aliases, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('display_name', aliases[0]) super(NamedParameter, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.aliases = aliases """The parameter's aliases, eg. "--option" and "-o".""" __key_count = itertools.count() @classmethod def alias_key(cls, name): """Sort key function to order aliases in source order, but with short forms(one dash) first.""" return len(name) - len(name.lstrip('-')), next(cls.__key_count) def get_all_names(self): """Retrieves all aliases.""" return ', '.join(sorted(self.aliases, key=self.alias_key) ) @property def short_name(self): """Retrieves the shortest alias for displaying the parameter signature.""" return min(self.aliases, key=len) def get_full_name(self): """Uses the shortest name instead of the display name.""" return self.short_name def redispatch_short_arg(self, rest, ba, i): """Processes the rest of an argument as if it was a new one prefixed with one dash. For instance when ``-a`` is a flag in ``-abcd``, the object implementing it will call this to proceed as if ``-a -bcd`` was passed.""" if not rest: return try: nparam = ba.sig.aliases['-' + rest[0]] except KeyError as e: raise errors.UnknownOption(e.args[0]) orig_args = ba.in_args ba.in_args = ba.in_args[:i] + ('-' + rest,) + ba.in_args[i + 1:] try: nparam.read_argument(ba, i) finally: ba.in_args = orig_args ba.unsatisfied.discard(nparam) ba.not_provided.discard(nparam) def get_value(self, ba, i): """Fetches the value after the ``=`` (``--opt=val``) or in the next argument (``--opt val``).""" arg = super(NamedParameter, self).get_value(ba, i) if arg.startswith('--'): name, glued, val = arg.partition('=') else: arg = arg.lstrip('-') if len(arg) > 1: glued = True val = arg[1:] else: glued = False if not glued: try: val = ba.in_args[i+1] except IndexError: raise errors.MissingValue ba.skip = not glued return val
[docs]class OptionParameter(NamedParameter, ParameterWithValue, ParameterWithSourceEquivalent): """A named parameter that takes an argument.""" def read_argument(self, ba, i): """Stores the argument in `CliBoundArguments.kwargs` if it isn't already present.""" if self.argument_name in ba.kwargs: raise errors.DuplicateNamedArgument() super(OptionParameter, self).read_argument(ba, i) def set_value(self, ba, value): """Set the value in `ba.kwargs <CliBoundArguments.kwargs>`""" ba.kwargs[self.argument_name] = value def format_type(self): """Returns a string designation of the value type.""" return util.name_type2cli(self.conv) def format_argument(self, long_alias): """Format the value type for the parameter""" return ('=' if long_alias else ' ') + self.format_type() def get_all_names(self): """Appends the value type to all aliases.""" names = super(OptionParameter, self).get_all_names() long_alias = any(alias.startswith('--') for alias in self.aliases) return names + self.format_argument(long_alias) def get_full_name(self): """Appends the value type to the shortest alias.""" sn = super(OptionParameter, self).get_full_name() short_alias = any( not alias.startswith('--') for alias in self.aliases) return sn + self.format_argument(not short_alias)
[docs]class FlagParameter(OptionParameter): """A named parameter that takes no argument. :param value: The value when the argument is present. :param false_value: The value when the argument is given one of the false value triggers using ``--param=xyz``. """ required = False false_triggers = '0', 'n', 'no', 'f', 'false' """Values for which ``--flag=X`` will consider the argument false and will pass `.false_value` to the function. In all other cases `.value` is passed.""" def __init__(self, value, **kwargs): super(FlagParameter, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.value = value """The value passed to the function if the flag is triggered without a specified value.""" def read_argument(self, ba, i): """Overrides `NamedParameter`'s value-getting behavior to allow no argument to be passed after the flag is named.""" arg = ba.in_args[i] if arg[1] == '-': name, sep, val = arg.partition('=') self.set_value(ba, self.coerce_value(val, ba) if sep else self.value) else: self.set_value(ba, self.value) self.redispatch_short_arg(arg[2:], ba, i) def format_argument(self, long_alias): """Formats the argument value type for usage messages. This is usually empty unless the flag uses a non-boolean flag. """ if not long_alias or self.conv == is_true: return '' return ('[=' if long_alias else ' [') + self.format_type() + ']'
def split_int_rest(s): for i, c, in enumerate(s): if not c.isdigit() and c != '-': return s[:i], s[i:] return s, ''
[docs]class IntOptionParameter(OptionParameter): """A named parameter that takes an integer as argument. The short form of it can be chained with the short form of other named parameters.""" def read_argument(self, ba, i): """Handles redispatching after a numerical value.""" if self.argument_name in ba.kwargs: raise errors.DuplicateNamedArgument() arg = ba.in_args[i] if arg.startswith('--'): super(IntOptionParameter, self).read_argument(ba, i) return arg = arg.lstrip('-')[1:] if not arg: super(IntOptionParameter, self).read_argument(ba, i) return val, rest = split_int_rest(arg) self.set_value(ba, self.coerce_value(val, ba)) self.redispatch_short_arg(rest, ba, i)
[docs]class PositionalParameter(ParameterWithValue, ParameterWithSourceEquivalent): """Equivalent of a positional-only parameter in Python.""" def set_value(self, ba, val): """Stores the argument at the appropriate position in `ba.args <CliBoundArguments.args>`. If `ba.args <CliBoundArguments.args>` is not filled up to this parameter's position yet, it will be filled with default values. :raises ValueError: when setting a parameter after unsatisfied parameters with no default value. """ matched = util.zip_longest(ba.sig.positional, ba.args, fillvalue=util.UNSET) for i, (param, arg) in enumerate(matched): if param is self: if arg is util.UNSET: ba.args.append(val) else: ba.args[i] = val return else: if arg is util.UNSET: if param.default != util.UNSET: ba.args.append(param.default) else: raise ValueError( "Can't set parameters after required parameters") else: raise ValueError("{!r} not present in signature".format(self)) def help_parens(self): """Puts the value type in parenthesis since it isn't shown in the parameter's signature.""" if self.conv is not identity: yield 'type: ' + util.name_type2cli(self.conv) for s in super(PositionalParameter, self).help_parens(): yield s
[docs]class MultiParameter(ParameterWithValue): """Parameter that can collect multiple values.""" def __init__(self, min, max, **kwargs): super(MultiParameter, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.min = min """The minimum amount of values this parameter accepts.""" self.max = max """The maximum amount of values this parameter accepts.""" @property def required(self): """Returns if there is a minimum amount of values required.""" return self.min def get_collection(self, ba): """Return an object that new values will be appended to.""" raise NotImplementedError def read_argument(self, ba, i): """Reset read_argument to avoid hitting `OptionParameter.read_argument` which checks for duplicate parameters""" self.set_value(ba, self.coerce_value(self.get_value(ba, i), ba)) def set_value(self, ba, val): """Adds passed argument to the collection returned by `get_collection`.""" col = self.get_collection(ba) col.append(val) if self.min <= len(col): ba.unsatisfied.discard(self) if self.max is not None and self.max < len(col): raise errors.TooManyValues def apply_generic_flags(self, ba): """Doesn't automatically mark the parameter as satisfied.""" if self.last_option: ba.posarg_only = True ba.not_provided.discard(self) def unsatisfied(self, ba): """Lets `errors.MissingRequiredArguments` be raised or raises `errors.NotEnoughValues` if arguments were passed but not enough to meet `.min`.""" if not ba.args or len(ba.unsatisfied) > 1: return True raise errors.NotEnoughValues def get_full_name(self): """Adds an elipsis to the parameter name.""" return super(MultiParameter, self).get_full_name() + '...'
[docs]class ExtraPosArgsParameter(MultiParameter, PositionalParameter): """Parameter that forwards all remaining positional arguments to the callee. Used to convert ``*args``-like parameters. """ def __init__(self, required=False, min=None, max=None, **kwargs): min = bool(required) if min is None else min super(ExtraPosArgsParameter, self).__init__(min=min, max=max, **kwargs) def get_collection(self, ba): """Uses `CliBoundArguments.args` to collect the remaining arguments.""" return ba.args def apply_generic_flags(self, ba): """Sets itself as sticky parameter so that `errors.TooManyArguments` is not raised when processing further parameters.""" super(ExtraPosArgsParameter, self).apply_generic_flags(ba) ba.sticky = self
[docs]class AppendArguments(HelperParameter, MultiParameter): """Helper parameter that collects multiple values to be passed as positional arguments to the callee. Similar to `ExtraPosArgsParameter` but does not correspond to a parameter in the source.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(AppendArguments, self).__init__(min=0, max=None, **kwargs) def get_collection(self, ba): """Uses `CliBoundArguments.args` to collect the remaining arguments.""" return ba.args
[docs]class IgnoreAllArguments(HelperParameter, Parameter): """Helper parameter for `.FallbackCommandParameter` that ignores the remaining arguments.""" def read_argument(self, ba, i): """Does nothing, ignoring all arguments processed.""" pass
[docs]class FallbackCommandParameter(NamedParameter): """Parameter that sets an alternative function when triggered. When used as an argument other than the first all arguments are discarded.""" is_alternate_action = True def __init__(self, func, **kwargs): super(FallbackCommandParameter, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.func = func """The function that will be called if this parameter is mentionned.""" @util.property_once def description(self): """Use `.func`'s docstring to provide the parameter description.""" try: return self.func.helper.description except AttributeError: pass def read_argument(self, ba, i): """Clears all processed arguments, sets up `.func` to be called later, and lets all remaining arguments be collected as positional if this was the first argument.""" ba.args[:] = [ + ' ' + self.display_name] ba.kwargs.clear() ba.post_name.append(ba.in_args[i]) ba.func = self.func ba.posarg_only = True ba.sticky = IgnoreAllArguments() if i else AppendArguments()
[docs]class AlternateCommandParameter(FallbackCommandParameter): """Parameter that sets an alternative function when triggered. Cannot be used as any argument but the first.""" def read_argument(self, ba, i): """Raises an error when this parameter is used after other arguments have been given.""" if i: raise errors.ArgsBeforeAlternateCommand(self) return super(AlternateCommandParameter, self).read_argument(ba, i)
[docs]@modifiers.kwoargs(start='name') def parameter_converter(obj=None, name=None): """Decorates a callable to be interpreted as a parameter converter when passed as an annotation. It will be called with an `inspect.Parameter` object and a sequence of objects passed as annotations, without the parameter converter itself. It is expected to return a `clize.parser.Parameter` instance or `Parameter.IGNORE`.""" if obj is None: return partial(parameter_converter, name=name) obj._clize__parameter_converter = True if name: obj.__name__ = name elif not getattr(obj, '__name__', None): warnings.warn( "Nameless parameter converter {!r}. " "Please specify one using the 'name' parameter of " "parameter_converter".format(obj), RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=3) return obj
def is_parameter_converter(obj): return getattr(obj, '_clize__parameter_converter', False) def unimplemented_parameter(argument_name, **kwargs): raise ValueError( "This converter cannot convert parameter {0!r} to a CLI parameter" .format(argument_name))
[docs]@modifiers.autokwoargs def use_class( name=None, pos=unimplemented_parameter, varargs=unimplemented_parameter, named=unimplemented_parameter, varkwargs=unimplemented_parameter, kwargs={}): """Creates a parameter converter similar to the default converter that picks one of 4 factory functions depending on the type of parameter. :param name str: A name to set on the parameter converter. :param pos: The parameter factory for positional parameters. :param varargs: The parameter factory for ``*args``-like parameters. :param named: The parameter factory for keyword parameters. :param varkwargs: The parameter factory for ``**kwargs``-like parameters. :type pos: callable that returns a `Parameter` instance :type varargs: callable that returns a `Parameter` instance :type named: callable that returns a `Parameter` instance :type varkwargs: callable that returns a `Parameter` instance :param kwargs: additional arguments to pass to the chosen factory. """ conv = partial(_use_class, pos, varargs, named, varkwargs, kwargs) if not name: warnings.warn( "Nameless parameter converter. Please specify the name argument " "when calling use_class", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=3) name = repr(conv) return parameter_converter(conv, name=name)
[docs]@modifiers.autokwoargs def use_mixin(cls, kwargs={}, name=None): """Like ``use_class``, but creates classes inheriting from ``cls`` and one of ``PositionalParameter``, ``ExtraPosArgsParameter``, and ``OptionParameter`` :param cls: The class to use as mixin. :param kwargs: additional arguments to pass to the chosen factory. :param name: The name to use for the converter. Uses ``cls``'s name if unset. """ class _PosWithMixin(cls, PositionalParameter): pass class _VarargsWithMixin(cls, ExtraPosArgsParameter): pass class _NamedWithMixin(cls, OptionParameter): pass if not name: name = cls.__name__ return use_class(pos=_PosWithMixin, varargs=_VarargsWithMixin, named=_NamedWithMixin, name=name, kwargs=kwargs)
def _use_class(pos_cls, varargs_cls, named_cls, varkwargs_cls, kwargs, param, annotations): named = param.kind in (param.KEYWORD_ONLY, param.VAR_KEYWORD) aliases = [] default = util.UNSET conv = identity kwargs = dict( kwargs,, undocumented=Parameter.UNDOCUMENTED in annotations, ) if param.default is not param.empty: default = param.default if Parameter.REQUIRED in annotations: kwargs['required'] = True if Parameter.LAST_OPTION in annotations: kwargs['last_option'] = True prev_conv = None for thing in annotations: if isinstance(thing, Parameter): return thing if callable(thing): if is_parameter_converter(thing): raise ValueError( "Parameter converter {!r} must be the first element " "of a parameter's annotation" .format(getattr(thing, '__name__', thing))) try: conv = get_value_converter(thing) except ValueError: pass else: if prev_conv is not None: raise ValueError( "Value converter specified twice in annotation: " "{0.__name__} {1.__name__}".format(prev_conv, thing)) prev_conv = thing continue if isinstance(thing, six.string_types): if not named: raise ValueError("Cannot give aliases for a positional " "parameter.") if len(thing.split()) > 1: raise ValueError("Cannot have whitespace in aliases.") if thing in aliases: raise ValueError("Duplicate alias " + repr(thing)) aliases.append(thing) continue if isinstance(thing, ParameterFlag): continue raise ValueError( "Unknown annotation {!r}\n" "If you intended for it to be a value or parameter converter, " "make sure the appropriate decorator was applied." .format(thing)) kwargs['default'] = default if not kwargs.get('required') else util.UNSET kwargs['conv'] = conv if prev_conv is None and default is not util.UNSET and default is not None: try: kwargs['conv'] = get_value_converter(type(default)) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "Cannot find value converter for default value {!r}. " "Please specify one as an annotation.\n" "If the default value's type should be used to " "convert the value, make sure it is decorated " "with clize.parser.value_converter()" .format(default)) if named: kwargs['aliases'] = [ util.name_py2cli(alias, named) for alias in aliases] if param.kind == param.VAR_KEYWORD: return varkwargs_cls(**kwargs) return named_cls(**kwargs) else: kwargs['display_name'] = util.name_py2cli( if param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL: return varargs_cls(**kwargs) return pos_cls(**kwargs) def pos_parameter(required=False, **kwargs): return PositionalParameter(**kwargs) def named_parameter(**kwargs): if kwargs['default'] is False and kwargs['conv'] is is_true: del kwargs['default'] return FlagParameter(value=True, **kwargs) elif kwargs['conv'] is _implicit_converters[int]: return IntOptionParameter(**kwargs) else: return OptionParameter(**kwargs) default_converter = use_class( pos=pos_parameter, varargs=ExtraPosArgsParameter, named=named_parameter, name='default_converter') """The default parameter converter. It is described in detail in :ref:`default-converter`.""" def _develop_extras(params): for param in params: yield param for subparam in _develop_extras(param.extras): yield subparam
[docs]class CliSignature(object): """A collection of parameters that can be used to translate CLI arguments to function arguments. :param iterable parameters: The parameters to use. .. attribute:: converter :annotation: = clize.parser.default_converter The converter used by default in case none is present in the annotations. .. attribute:: parameters An ordered dict of all parameters of this cli signature. .. attribute:: positional List of positional parameters. .. attribute:: alternate List of parameters that initiate an alternate action. .. attribute:: named List of named parameters that aren't in `.alternate`. .. attribute:: aliases :annotation: = {} Maps parameter names to `NamedParameter` instances. .. attribute:: required :annotation: = set() A set of all required parameters. """ converter = default_converter def __init__(self, parameters): params = self.parameters = util.OrderedDict() pos = self.positional = [] named = self.named = [] alt = self.alternate = [] aliases = self.aliases = {} required = self.required = set() optional = self.optional = set() for param in _develop_extras(parameters): required_ = getattr(param, 'required', False) aliases_ = getattr(param, 'aliases', None) if required_: required.add(param) else: optional.add(param) if aliases_ is not None: for alias in aliases_: existing = aliases.get(alias) if existing is not None: raise ValueError( "Parameters {0.display_name} and {1.display_name} " "use a duplicate alias {2!r}." .format(existing, param, alias) ) aliases[alias] = param if param.is_alternate_action: alt.append(param) elif aliases_ is not None: named.append(param) else: pos.append(param) params[getattr(param, 'argument_name', param.display_name)] = param @classmethod def from_signature(cls, sig, extra=(), **kwargs): """Takes a signature object and returns an instance of this class deduced from it. :param inspect.Signature sig: The signature object to use. :param iterable extra: Extra parameter instances to include. """ return cls( parameters=itertools.chain( filter(lambda x: x is not Parameter.IGNORE, (cls.convert_parameter(param) for param in sig.parameters.values()) ), extra), **kwargs) @classmethod def convert_parameter(cls, param): """Convert a Python parameter to a CLI parameter.""" if param.annotation != param.empty: annotations = util.maybe_iter(param.annotation) else: annotations = [] if Parameter.IGNORE in annotations: return Parameter.IGNORE for i, annotation in enumerate(annotations): if getattr(annotation, '_clize__parameter_converter', False): conv = annotation annotations = annotations[:i] + annotations[i+1:] break else: conv = cls.converter return conv(param, annotations) def read_arguments(self, args, name): """Returns a `.CliBoundArguments` instance for this CLI signature bound to the given arguments. :param sequence args: The CLI arguments, minus the script name. :param str name: The script name. """ ba = CliBoundArguments(self, args, name) ba.process_arguments() return ba def __str__(self): return ' '.join( str(p) for p in itertools.chain(self.named, self.positional) if not p.undocumented )
class _SeekFallbackCommand(object): """Context manager that tries to seek a fallback command if an error was raised.""" def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, typ, exc, tb): if exc is None: return try: pos = exc.pos ba = except AttributeError: return for i, arg in enumerate(ba.in_args[pos + 1:], pos +1): param = ba.sig.aliases.get(arg, None) if param in ba.sig.alternate: try: param.read_argument(ba, i) except errors.ArgumentError: continue ba.unsatisfied.clear() ba.not_provided.clear() return True
[docs]@attr.s class CliBoundArguments(object): """Command line arguments bound to a `.CliSignature` instance. :param CliSignature sig: The signature to bind against. :param sequence args: The CLI arguments, minus the script name. :param str name: The script name. .. attribute:: sig The signature being bound to. .. attribute:: in_args The CLI arguments, minus the script name. .. attribute:: name The script name. .. attribute:: args :annotation: = [] List of arguments to pass to the target function. .. attribute:: kwargs :annotation: = {} Mapping of named arguments to pass to the target function. .. attribute:: meta :annotation: = {} A dict for parameters to store data for the duration of the argument processing. .. attribute:: func :annotation: = None If not `None`, replaces the target function. .. attribute:: post_name :annotation: = [] List of words to append to the script name when passed to the target function. The following attributes only exist while arguments are being processed: .. attribute:: posparam :annotation: = iter(sig.positional) The iterator over the positional parameters used to process positional arguments. .. attribute:: namedparam :annotation: = dict(sig.aliases) The `dict` used to look up named parameters from their names. It is copied here so that the argument parsing process may add or remove parameters without affecting the original signature. .. attribute:: unsatisfied :annotation: = set(sig.required) Required parameters that haven't yet been satisfied. .. attribute:: not_provided :annotation: = set(sig.optional) Optional parameters that haven't yet received a value. .. attribute:: sticky :annotation: = None If not `None`, a parameter that will keep receiving positional arguments. .. attribute:: posarg_only :annotation: = False Arguments will always be processed as positional when this is set to `True`. .. attribute:: skip :annotation: = 0 Amount of arguments to skip. """ threshold = 0.75 """Similarity threshold below which argument suggestions are dropped. Used when the user enters an incorrect argument and we try to suggest a valid argument instead.""" sig = attr.ib() in_args = attr.ib(convert=tuple) name = attr.ib() func = attr.ib(default=None) post_name = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(list)) args = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(list)) kwargs = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(dict)) meta = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(dict)) posparam = attr.ib(init=False) namedparams = attr.ib(init=False) unsatisfied = attr.ib(init=False) not_provided = attr.ib(init=False) posarg_only = attr.ib(init=False) skip = attr.ib(init=False) def process_arguments(self): """Process the arguments in `.in_args`, setting the `.func`, `.post_name`, `.args` and `.kwargs` attributes as a result. This methods reads `str`'s from `.in_args`. For each one, it finds the relevant `Parameter` instance in `.posparam` or `.namedparam` and delegates processing to it """ self.posparam = iter(self.sig.positional) self.namedparams = dict(self.sig.aliases) self.unsatisfied = set(self.sig.required) self.not_provided = set(self.sig.optional) self.sticky = None self.posarg_only = False self.skip = 0 with _SeekFallbackCommand(): for i, arg in enumerate(self.in_args): if self.skip > 0: self.skip -= 1 continue with errors.SetArgumentErrorContext(pos=i, val=arg, ba=self): if self.posarg_only or len(arg) < 2 or arg[0] != '-': if self.sticky is not None: param = self.sticky else: try: param = next(self.posparam) except StopIteration: exc = errors.TooManyArguments( self.in_args[i:]) exc.__cause__ = None raise exc elif arg == '--': self.posarg_only = True continue else: if arg.startswith('--'): name = arg.partition('=')[0] else: name = arg[:2] try: param = self.namedparams[name] except KeyError: raise errors.UnknownOption(name) with errors.SetArgumentErrorContext(param=param): param.read_argument(self, i) param.apply_generic_flags(self) if not self.func: if self.unsatisfied: unsatisfied = [] for p in self.unsatisfied: with errors.SetArgumentErrorContext(param=p): if p.unsatisfied(self): unsatisfied.append(p) if unsatisfied: raise errors.MissingRequiredArguments(unsatisfied) for p in self.sig.parameters.values(): p.post_parse(self) del self.sticky, self.posarg_only, self.skip, self.unsatisfied, self.not_provided def get_best_guess(self, passed_in_arg): return util.closest_option(passed_in_arg, list(self.sig.aliases)) def __iter__(self): yield self.func yield self.post_name yield self.args yield self.kwargs